Pool of subjects for research

Background and objective:

When making decisions about potential research projects in the field of BID, scientists are often faced with a crucial question: Are there enough test subjects to carry out the study? An insufficient availability of participants can lead to promising studies not being launched or certain forms of BID not even being the subject of research because it is not certain how many test subjects would be available. However, with regard to the financial viability and the qualitative added value of a study, it is crucial how many test subjects are available.

This is where our test pool comes in. The VFSK e.V. test pool forms a bridge between committed researchers and people affected by BID. On one hand, the aim is to make it easier for researchers to access a sufficient number of suitable test subjects in order to advance studies on BID. On the other hand, those affected should have the opportunity to actively participate by regularly being informed about active research projects through a newsletter, receiving invitations to studies and, if necessary, actively participating in them. As VFSK e.V., we want to strengthen the collaboration between self-help and research in this way.

This is how the test pool works:

For participants:

The subject pool is primarily designed as an extended newsletter system that enables quick and secure networking between researchers and those affected. Registration in the test pool is voluntary and requires only a small amount of information to protect your privacy:

As a member of our test pool, you have the opportunity to actively participate in BID research projects. When a project is started, you will receive an email from us briefly introducing the project and providing a link to the official study page. This email allows you to decide for yourself whether you want to take part in the study. Your email address remains protected and will not be passed on to third parties at any time.

You can of course unsubscribe at any time via a link in every email.


For researchers:

Do you have interesting news or are you looking for subjects for a new study? Then please send us an email to: probandenpool@vfsk.eu

If we don't know each other yet, we would be happy to receive a brief introduction and a description of the planned study. We can inform you at short notice how many potential test subjects we can reach for your purpose.

If the study takes place, we send an email to the relevant contacts. The participants then decide for themselves whether they want to take part in the study. 

Data protection:

We understand concerns about data protection and privacy, so we never share data: If there is a new study, we send a newsletter to all participants. This email will contain a link to the study or an email address that you can contact. This means that the recipients can decide for themselves at any time whether they want to make contact or participate.

The information provided will be treated confidentially and used exclusively for the purpose of networking with research projects in the field of BID. We use the “Brevo” platform for registration and sending – this is operated on European servers and meets all the requirements of the GDPR. Further information from Brevo can be found here: 

